There is a long history of arrests for insurance fraud involving consumers submitting fraudulent injury claims from automobile accidents and similar events. Intentionally submitting a substantively false claim is one thing, but some of these arrests seem to be...
Month: March 2013
High school girl dies in car accident at school bus stop
When a young woman enters a bus stop area to get on an approaching school bus, other drivers in the area should probably be operating with a degree of heightened carefulness. But in this case a 14-year-old North Carolina girl stepped onto the road at a school bus stop...
Police sweep a North Carolina city in push against violent crime
A crime sweep that results in massive arrests in one fell swoop tend to walk a fine line between admirable police-work and denial of individual liberties. When the police make 120 arrests in one investigation dealing with crimes involving violence and firearms, it is...
North Carolina officer charged in drunk driving accident
A North Carolina police officer faces charges after a recent incident. The sheriff's deputy was charged with suspected drunk driving and has been fired from his post. The drunk driving accident incident occurred in Onslow County.North Carolina authorities say that...
North Carolina fatal accident kills 1; driver faces charges
A tragic crash in North Carolina has resulted in the death of a man and criminal charges against the driver who may have been responsible. The fatal accident occurred during the evening hours close to a local seafood restaurant. So far, there have been no specific...
Court won’t release prisoners innocent of a federal crime
Sometimes a court issues a decision that makes innocent certain actions that once were thought to be criminal. This brings up a problem for those who were convicted and went to prison for something now recognized as crime-free. Usually, if the prosecutor in a case...
Man accepts plea deal for North Carolina drunk driving crash
A North Carolina man accused of drunk driving in a fatal crash in 2010 has made a plea in his case. The alleged drunk driving accident occurred when his vehicle crossed over the center line and collided with another vehicle being driving by a 23-year-old woman. The...
North Carolina drunk driving accident leads to criminal charges
Some North Carolina families may have had their lives impacted by a drunk driving accident. Any time that someone chooses to get behind the wheel after consuming alcoholic beverages, it is possible that they could be involved in an accident that results in serious...