Two people are facing drug charges after authorities received tips from sources. When investigators obtained a search warrant for the home, they reportedly found over 100 marijuana plants inside. A woman living inside the North Carolina home has been cited for drug charges, but the man was arrested.
The neighborhood where the drug bust occurred is not normally known for such activity, and now the police department is accused of wasting its resources on the bust. However, authorities have stated they will investigate any claims of drug activity, regardless of the type. The man renting out the home has been charged with the manufacturing of the drug and possession of it with intent to distribute or sell.
A sheriff involved in the case claims the man was growing the drug in two of the rooms inside of the home. Another room was reportedly used to dry the marijuana plants and package it, allegedly to ready it to be sold. Authorities report this bust as the largest growing operation the city has seen to date.
Both of these people will need to begin preparing their criminal defense against these North Carolina charges. The woman only received a citation, but the man is facing a host of other drug charges, potentially leading to a lengthy jail term if he is convicted. He could very well face an uphill legal battle as a result of the alleged growing operation. It may be in his best interests to secure legal help with his case. Doing so could help him fight these accusations and potentially reduce the amount of punishment, if any, he receives.
Source:, “Officers find 117 marijuana plants growing inside home,” Ashlea Kosikowski, Dec. 28, 2012