Choosing The Right Attorney For Defense Against Drug Charges
Drug charges are a serious matter. Even drug possession charges can carry harsh penalties that can affect a person far into the future.
If you have been charged with a drug offense, such as possession or distribution, the attorney you choose should have the experience and track record of successfully defending individuals in similar situations.
A Successful Track Record
At Woody White Law Firm PLLC, in Wilmington, we have successfully won trial criminal cases in front of juries and obtained “not guilty” verdicts for individuals facing different criminal charges.
Federal Drug Crime Defense
With years of experience, our team has handled not just state cases, but also represented individuals facing federal drug charges.
Our lead criminal defense attorney, Woody White, is a board-certified specialist in federal and state criminal law and has tried countless drug cases in federal court, including:
- Drug trafficking charges
- Distribution or possession of controlled substances or marijuana
- Drug manufacture or cultivation
Since convictions for federal crimes carry more stringent penalties, getting an attorney with experience and knowledge of the laws, rules and federal court procedures is very important.
Defense Against Opioid Drug Charges
We also have experience defending individuals, including college students, facing drug possession charges related to opioids and other narcotic prescription pain killers. We also defend people facing related charges such as weapons offenses. If you or a loved one is facing charges in conjunction with the drug charge, we can help.
We understand the vulnerability of these drugs and, along with legal assistance, often assist family members desperate to seek treatment for their loved ones in order to get them back on a path to recovery.
Call 910-338-4900 today to speak with one of our experienced criminal defense lawyers. Or, send us an email to set up a confidential consultation.