Facing Marijuana Charges In New Hanover County? Learn About The Law And How It Applies To Your Situation.
Marijuana: Is It Legal In North Carolina?
Amid the expanding, widespread acceptance of marijuana for both recreational and medical purposes in the U.S., more than two dozen states, including the District of Columbia, have legalized marijuana in some form.
However, there are several states, including North Carolina, that have yet to pass any type of law legalizing pot in any form, medical or otherwise.
Which means only one thing: those who are caught possessing pot will face consequences.
Penalties For Marijuana Possession In North Carolina
In the state of North Carolina, possession of just one-half ounce of pot is classified as a misdemeanor with a fine of up to $200. Those found in possession of 1.5 ounces or more are facing felony charges and much steeper fines.
What If I Purchased Marijuana Legally In Another State And Brought It To North Carolina?
People often wonder if they will be subject to penalties in North Carolina if they are caught with pot purchased in a state where it was legal. The answer is yes.
Even those who purchase marijuana for medical purposes in another state could face drug charges in North Carolina because pot still remains illegal within state boundary lines and at a federal level.
Legal Help From An Experienced Law Firm
If you or a loved one in Wilmington has been caught with any amount of marijuana and facing drug charges, let us help. With years of legal experience, our team of criminal defense lawyers has been defending individuals in the same situation facing marijuana and other drug charges for many years.
Set Up A Consultation. Call 910-338-4900 Today.
Set up a consult today to find out how we can help. We can explain potential options available to mitigate the penalties you or your loved one could face. You can also send us a confidential email and an attorney will promptly respond.