In an ironic twist of fate, a Fayetteville, North Carolina prison guard has been arrested on drug charges. Members of the Fayetteville Police Department arrested the 50-year-old guard and two of his counterparts at his home last Wednesday. The Samsung Correctional Institute employee now faces charges associated with the trafficking of heroin.
The man’s girlfriend and brother were also arrested on suspicion of the same criminal activities. During a search of the man’s home, officers found approximately 27 grams of cocaine, 32 grams of heroin and 6 pounds of marijuana. Officers confirmed that the estimated the street value of the drugs to be somewhere around $49,000.
In North Carolina, the penalties associated with a conviction on drug charges can be severe. Each of the three suspects has been officially charged with trafficking heroin as well as possession with the intent to sell marijuana and cocaine. The prison guard was also charged with maintenance of a dwelling for the express purpose of storing controlled substances. If convicted, the trio may face prison time as well as associated fines and supervised release.
The charges brought against each of the individuals are felonies. Clearly, any time someone faces a drug charge, he or she has found himself in a very serious situation. Speaking with a criminal defense attorney who has knowledge of drug charges might be a good idea for anyone in such a situation. That conversation may reveal the best strategies for moving forward.
- Charlotte Observer, “Sampson prison guard arrested on drug charges,”, 01 July 2011.
- Fox Carolina, “Sampson prison guard arrested on drug charges,” 1 July 2011.