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Road rage poses a growing threat to driver safety

On Behalf of | Jun 29, 2017 | Car Accidents |

Anger and aggression can be dangerous on the North Carolina roadways, and the problem may be growing. A study by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety found that almost 80 percent of drivers had expressed serious aggression, anger or road rage while driving in the past year. Road rage can lead to car accidents that put people in other vehicles at risk.

It is estimated that 8 million drivers in the United States are involved in extreme road rage actions each year. These include reckless driving behaviors like purposefully ramming another vehicle or exiting the car to physically confront another driver on the road. This type of action is particularly dangerous and poses the risk of serious harm.

Even as angry as Americans can get behind the wheel, they also recognize the dangers. The survey’s results show that nearly 90 percent of drivers recognize aggression behind the wheel as a real threat to personal safety. Two-thirds of drivers see the issue as more of a problem now than it was just a few years ago.

Young drivers and male drivers were much more likely to engage in aggressive and dangerous behavior. In one key finding, men were over three times more likely than women to exit their car for physical confrontation or to ram another car on the road deliberately. Northeast drivers were more likely to make an angry gesture than those from other areas of the U.S.

Road rage can lead to car crashes that seriously injure others. People who have been harmed as a result of such behavior might want to meet with a personal injury attorney to discuss filing a lawsuit against the at-fault motorist.


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