A trucking company is under investigation following the death of a driver on U.S. Highway 21, according to local sources. North Carolina police are investigating the state of a truck carrying a load of rocks, one of which was dislodged, causing a car accident that killed a man north of Marion. Criminal charges are pending at the time of this writing.
According to witnesses, the truck was headed north on 21 when one of the rocks it was carrying abruptly fell out the back of the truck, crossing the median and going through the windshield of a southbound car. Witnesses say the rock was roughly the size of a basketball, but later investigation weighed the stone in at over 25 pounds. The driver was killed instantly.
North Carolina Highway Patrol cited the driver of the truck with several infractions, most of them to do with the state of his vehicle. Police say the truck was in poor repair and should not have been in service. They are investigating possible criminal charges against the driver and the company he represents in relation to the fatal accident.
The true tragedy of this car accident is how avoidable it was. If the North Carolina police investigation reveals the accident was, as they suspect, due to negligence on the part of the driver or the company, the next-of-kin of the victim will be entitled to seek a wrongful death law suit in a civil court. This suit could be expanded to encompass not just the driver, but also the trucking company itself, depending on the outcome of the investigation.
Source: www.wsoctv.com, Troopers: Large rock falls off truck, hits car, killing driver, Dave Faherty, Sept. 4, 2013