No one plans to become involved in a Wilmington car accident, but sometimes there is no escaping it. In the event of a crash, options exist for the injured party, or their family if a death occurs. Car accident injuries can often result in the need for long-term medical care, a cost that can quickly add up and become financially burdensome. When this happens, victims can often reach out and seek assistance with their cases.
An early morning car accident resulted in injuries to two people. Although the full details have not been released, it is believed that a Tundra crashed into a passenger car. The impact of that crash forced the car to strike a van.
The van driver was trapped in her vehicle and had to be removed by firefighters. She and the car’s driver sustained injuries and have been transported to a local hospital. The full extent of their injuries is unknown, but the injuries were not considered to be life-threatening. At this time, there is no word on any pending criminal charges.
The accident investigation will likely be able to pinpoint the details and the cause behind the Wilmington car accident. Although it seems likely that everyone will recover, injured parties in such accidents typically incur medical bills after their collisions. When someone is injured due to the possible negligence of another party, there are often legal avenues available to them. For these victims, a personal injury claim may be appropriate. A successful claim can result in a monetary judgment against the driver deemed responsible, potentially helping the victims offset or even cover the financial burden associated with their injuries.
Source:, “Driver cut from vehicle after 3-car accident in Wilmington,” Allyson Lorick, Jan. 25, 2013