A North Carolina driver involved in a crash that took the life of one of his friends has pleaded guilty to DWI and causing a death by a motor vehicle. The two had attended a party prior to the tragic car accident. Witnesses from the party noted he appeared to be intoxicated. Although they tried to stop him, the man drove away. The victim was asleep in the passenger seat.
Not long after he left, authorities found the wreckage. Both the driver and the victim were thrown from the car. It was not reported if the driver was hurt, but the passenger died from the injuries he sustained. It is believed the vehicle was traveling close to 100 miles per hour before the accident.
As a result of his guilty plea to the felony charges, he has received a six-month jail term and is required to undergo supervised probation for a period of three years. In addition, he will be required to submit to evaluations and undergo psychological and alcohol treatments. He is also required to perform community service. Two people stand accused of serving alcohol to the driver at the party. A married couple was separately charged for providing alcohol to minors at the party attended by the two men.
When a North Carolina family loses a loved one in such a tragic way, it may be difficult to think forward into the future. However, they retain the right to seek compensation through the civil courts in the form of a wrongful death lawsuit as a result of the fatal car accident. They could file a claim against the driver and also the adults at the party who are accused of serving alcohol at the party. In each instance, the surviving family will need to prove the fatality resulted from the negligent acts of the now convicted driver and/or the adults who purportedly allowed alcohol to be served to minors in their home.
Source: Star News Online, “Man pleads guilty in crash that killed his friend,” F. T. Norton, Feb. 6, 2013